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Category: Indonesia

Mixed Feelings About Bali

Mixed Feelings About Bali

I’m going to be honest: Dan and I didn’t really like Bali.  Partly this was our own fault.  When we were planning the last part of our Asia itinerary it seemed like a great idea to finish with some relaxing beach time.  In our minds Bali conjured images of sublime natural beauty and calm tropical beaches with bathtub-warm water. Unfortunately, we didn’t bother to do enough research to confirm whether that image was accurate. So imagine our disappointment when we…

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Yogyakarta and Borobudur

Yogyakarta and Borobudur

First of all, my apologies for anyone who is getting confused as I do these posts out of order.  I’m really trying to get all caught up on Asia so I can focus on Europe but I still have three posts to go including this one.  To recap: from Singapore we flew to Jakarta and from there we took a breathtakingly beautiful train ride across Java to Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta is an awesome little city.  After the chaos and grit of…

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My apologies for the long delay since my last post.  I came down with a nasty cough which lead to me not sleeping for many nights and, turns out, blogging is really hard on little to no sleep.  Once I was out of the rhythm I found it really hard to get back into it. For that reason I’m skipping ahead a bit to talk about the last place we visited: Jakarta, Indonesia. When we got to the end of…

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